Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Dove in Our Backyard

The weirdest thing just happened. I went outside to check on my husband, Nate, who was burning vines in our backyard (don't ask ;). Anyway, we noticed that there was a white dove stuck underneath our deck. I tried to look for an opening to help it escape. When I found an opening, the dove also found it about the same time and walked out, then flew up onto our fence. I noticed that it had a blue tag around it's left leg, so I assume it belonged to someone. Nate and I tried to coax the bird to us but it just stared at us the closer we got. It was so white--so pure and beautiful, with striking dark eyes. It seemed strange to see it in the wild.

Finally it made its way to the top of the roof (I don't think it could fly very far). Nate and I were on opposite sides of the house, coaxing it to come down. Finally I got impatient and went inside. Nate said that the bird flew down on my side. But when we went to look, the bird was gone. It was like it just vanished. We searched everywhere in the front and also looked for the bird at the neighbor's yards.

Normally I wouldn't give this incident a second thought, but having become a bit more spiritually attune lately, I had a thought that this symbol may not have been an accident. I know it is not uncommon for birds to be connected with the spiritual. I looked up what doves represent and this is what I found courtesy of Squidoo:
"The Dove universally symbolizes innocence, gentleness, faith, marital affection, peace and constancy.
The deepest kind of Peace and Faith is symbolized by the Dove. It's image stills our worried and troubled thoughts, and shows us how to find renewal in the silence of our minds. In such moments of stillness, we are able to appreciate the simple blessings that go unnoticed in the chaos that surrounds us each day.

The Sacred Dove serves as a gentle reminder that there is always hope, new possibilities and miracles waiting, just around the corner..."
I'm unsure what to make of the experience, but I think I will just entertain the thought that it may have been a word of encouragement from the other side. ^^ And if that's not what it is, who cares! It will bless myself to think such a way :)

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