Health Resources

*This page will be updated from time to time.

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life  

A New York Times bestseller, this book by Dr. Daniel Amen--renowned psychologist, doctor and medical director of Amen Clinics Inc.--is one of those resources that should be in every individual's library. I would say it is the best self-help book I've ever read. This book has changed my perspective of other people and has helped me to understand how to fix the anxiety, depression and other issues I was dealing with. I have been able to help people with difficult spouses and help students with learning difficulties using the information learned in this book. Dr. Amen gives a simple summary of each part of the brain and further explains what kind of issues a person may face if a particular part of the brain is imbalanced or unhealthy.

Our brains make us who we are, what our personalities are like, what issues we have, etc... If our brains are unhealthy, then our bodies and very often our personalities will be affected. A book like this has the potential to be very difficult to understand. But the author really is a master at making difficult concepts easy to understand. See also his lectures on youtube. Click the book name above for Amazon's description of the book.

This book is also authored by Dr. Amen and is a New York Times bestseller. I have personally never read the book but have heard lectures on it and am always impressed with Dr. Amen's whole body approach to health. He teaches his readers how to utilize natural and obvious ways of healing first if at all possible and use medicine as a last resort. This book explains the connection between brain and body.

Check out this insightful interview with Rachel Rae: (Do checkout part 2 as well!)

From what I have gathered, this book is more than just a guide for weight loss. Click the book name above for Amazon's description of Change Your Brain, Change Your Body.

This is Your Brain on Joy

This book is written by a psychologist named Dr. Earl Henslin who sends many of his patients to Dr. Amen for brain scans and treatment. This is one of those books that should be in every Christian's library. Why?  While his book is somewhat similar to Change Your Brain, Change Your Life in that it explains the various parts of the brain and the problems that are caused when a particular part of the brain is unhealthy; yet it was directed mainly to Christians, that they may have more grace or understanding when dealing with both their own selves and with one another. Dr. Henslin uses a wide array of Bible verses in this book as well. The following is Dr. Amen's review of This is Your Brain on Joy:
"Many of my clients who are very religious are both stunned and relieved when they find out that their behavior or mood issues may be physical rather than spiritual problems. [Dr. Henslin] shares answers to puzzling questions such as: Why isn't my faith in God enough to erase my blue moods? Why haven't I been able to conquer my anger? Pray away my fear and worry? Why can't I find freedom from secret obsessions and addictions?"
For a fuller description of This is Your Brain on Joy, click the book name above.

Interview with Dr. Amen on ADD

The video interview below features Dr. Amen in an interview about his discoveries on ADD. He has discovered 6 different types of ADD and in this interview, he talks about each one, showing us the corresponding brain pattern for that type. If you or your child has trouble focusing or with concentration, trouble with details and paperwork or with boring tasks, trouble being organized or on time, etc., then do take a look at this interview. If you would rather read about the different types of ADD, visit this link: ADD Checklist. A great book on the topic is Healing ADD by Dr. Amen.

Types of Anxiety and Depression

 Dr. Amen's website has a list of the various types of anxiety and depression. He helps those of us with anxiety and depression problems to tailor our medications so that they are effective! He also lists the kinds of supplements to use for each type.

Should you or your loved one get a brain scan done? 

* If you, your spouse or your child are having problems with focus and concentration (ADD), aggression, rage or anger, substance abuse, addictions, anxiety, depression, memory loss, weight, is autistic, or just marital problems in general that have not responded to counseling, then a brain scan done by one of the Amen Clinics may provide the information necessary for healing. To view information on SPECT brain scans, such as locations and cost, click here. I will tell you that most of the clinics are in CA. But there is one in Washington and in Virginia (near Washington D.C.) Depending on your plan, sometimes insurance will cover part of it. For more information, check out Dr. Amen's website: