

Hello and welcome to "She Would Be Free!" Thank you for taking some time to check this out!

This blog is designed to support women in their 20's who during this period of life usually begin searching for their life purpose. Doubts about self-worth and image have likely already surfaced during teenage years, causing depression, anxiety and destructive thought patterns that if not corrected are burrowed into cell memory and remain the basis for every future response to life's events. From my own personal experience and readings, I have come to believe that this negativity and destruction we inflict on ourselves causes our life purpose and gifts to remain cloudy and confusing. Pieces of ourselves remain attached to people or events (as in grudges held) or they may search for control of our surroundings. These pieces are being held captive by lies, breaking us up into weak and destructive forces. As I am discovering, the more we are able to release this negativity by affirmations, meditation, forgiveness and prayer, the more we gather these pieces of ourselves until at last we become whole--a strong, confident, powerful force that radiates light and beauty. This person knows their unique God-given gifts and believes that thinking too little of their worth and gifts is to think too little of the Creator himself.

In summary, I believe with all my heart that we change the world by being all that God created us to be. So I encourage you to put aside your checklist for improvement. Join me on this journey to release what holds us captive and to fill our minds and hearts with light so that we can live in peace, love, and assurance of our calling.

I realize that many of my readers are Christians. I may post or link to articles or websites from time to time that may seem questionable to you. I usually do not endorse every bit of what I post or link to. But usually those websites or articles have a lot of truth to them. And I want to share that with you! Just take what seems good and throw the rest out. Also, this website is slightly geared toward Christians as that's what I am and know. I would love to see Christians move out more from guilt and self-deprecation to love and joy. I would also love to see Christians realize more their beauty as the creation of God and the internal resources that God has given for their good and the benefit of others. Though this is not a Christian website per-se, still I will be making quite a few references to the Christian faith. However, this site is for everyone--regardless of religion! And I would dearly love the input and contributions of all.

You will notice at the bottom of the page, I have added a meditation widget. My eventual goal is to take at least 10 minutes out of each day to sit in front of my window and meditate or pray. I would encourage you to do the same. Upcoming articles will include some meditation techniques that have helped me in case you are unsure how to do it. Included in the widget, is a collection of meditation music to enhance the meditation experience.

Suggestions for improvement or things you would like to see addressed or polled are welcomed!

[Along those lines, the purpose of this blog is not to debate philosophies or foster an atmosphere of division. So I would ask that readers would avoid controversy so we can focus on the purpose of this blog--growth and learning. If you have something to say along these lines, please do share. It would be lovely if we could learn from each others' experiences and insight!]

So sit back and take a load off your feet!

* My prayer for you*  Dear God, please offer release from enslavement and give peace to each person who enters here. When happiness and peace seem too hard to reach, may you help us realize the tools we have to overcome and the persistence to keep searching until we find health and balance in our lives. Heal us, redeem us, make us into the beautiful creatures you designed us to be. Amen.