Thursday, January 5, 2012

Love and Accept Who You Are

"Love and accept who you are, not who you will be or should be."

For some Christians, I have noticed that loving and accepting who we are seems too much of a New Age concept. Some would propose that loving God and sort of ignoring the self, is the best way to achieve a God-like life. This is what I used to think.

I think that it may do a lot of good to think about ourselves in a different way. God created us. We are specially designed. We are GOD'S workmanship. I don't think it's an evil pride to value that--to take care of that and treasure that. Many of us women readily do that for others, but do we do that for ourselves? Are we less of God's creation than our neighbor?

Being fully in the present and being content with whatever is there is critical for peace and joy. Rid yourself of guilt for whatever you see that you don't like! That guilt serves no purpose and certainly does a bad job of motivating. I've tried to wear a lot of different shoes in my lifetime--none of which were my own, until now. My light was never bright then. It was dingy and blocked. If we live someone else's gifts and strengths, then it just won't work. What I read today has some good thoughts on this matter:
"Love and accept who you are, not who you will be or should be. If you love yourself for who you are, you are living in present time which is the gateway to personal power [I personally prefer to replace "power" with "light".] If you love only who you will be, then you are out of your body, living in a future you cannot affect (until it becomes present time and you can act). Look at who you are, compare it to who you want to be, and ask yourself why they do not match. Ask, 'Is what I want to be really appropriate to who I am, or is it something I was told I should be?' The more you can clear yourself of other people's programs, expectations, and pictures of you, the more [bright] you will become. Many of those future pictures involve meeting unrealistic or inappropriate standards given to you by others. Many of those ideals represent beliefs of others that you try to fit onto yourself. Look clearly at your expectations of yourself, especially those you constantly fail to meet. They can be indicators of areas in which who you want to be is not fitting with your true needs. The pain you feel at the difference, the feelings of heaviness, fear or darkness only exist because you are trying to 'wear' energy that does not belong to you."
If you read my previous article titled, Our Unique Path is Not Always Understood, then you will remember me mentioning the years of my life trying to get rid of my God-given stubbornness and strong will. I thought that was what was expected of a selfless Christian. It was heavy, confusing, and frustrating. But then I met someone who would later become one of my closest friends. She was stubborn too. Her life showed me how I could use my stubbornness for good. Her life told me that I was ok. Now I feel like a burden has been lifted, and continues to be lifted the more I recognize who I was created to be and live that fully. The biggest characteristic that I see from my two friends who are living who they are fully is that they are "bright lights." I can't explain it any differently than that.

Take a good look at who you are. Then figure out how to work with what you have--figure out your potential! We were created in God's image. Live your unique God-likeness fully and be a light!

"Be as much of yourself as you can, as often as you can." ~ Hilary and Ellen ~ I think this is what it means to not hide your light under a bushel. 


Anonymous said...

I really like your blog, Jess. I feel like I need to see you again soon... you're different, I can tell!

Jessica said...

I so want to know who you are Anonymous! Yes I honestly feel like a completely different person. It's kind of weird--but oh so good :)