Thursday, December 8, 2011

Becoming Aware of Bad Energy

Becoming aware of negative energy is a critical first step in releasing it. So I would encourage you to pay attention to the energy surrounding you and in you. Let me start by describing what I believe negative energy is.

When I think of negative energy, I think of stress, anxiety, grudges, critical or judgmental attitudes, hate, or negative thoughts. It takes away your center and it steals your peace. Allowing negative energy to fester will  make a person very stressed, tense, and protective over time. Over the past five years, I became so protective of myself, that nearly everything my husband would say to me or ask me to do would send me over the edge. 

"I can't handle this. This is too much. You are asking too much. Don't say that. Don't say this. I'm overwhelmed living with you." 

It wasn't him really; it was me that was allowing my own self to be overwhelmed. When I was made to stare into the face of divorce, I started to realize that I couldn't be this fragile forever. I had to do something drastic. I did, and now our house is mostly peaceful instead of mostly hostile. And as an obvious side-note, I would add that I have found a large measure of internal peace as well.

Here are some steps to releasing negative energy that I have found helpful (and by the way, the knowledge on this website is all borrowed!):
  1. Become AWARE of the energy that you take in. 
  2. RELEASE bad energy.
  3. BLOCK bad energy.
  4. DEVELOP good energy.
  5. VISUALIZE what you want to be or feel like.
  6. AVOID negative people.
Let's just focus on the first one. For the next few weeks try to notice every time your body tenses up or you become drained from a thought or from being around a certain person. Were you predicting something negative about the future? Does the person you are around have a habit of belittling people or talking negatively of others? Do they have a negative presence? This may take a while to get good at. But it is a critical first step to being able to release and block bad energy. So practice! Once you become aware of what you are allowing to affect you negatively, then you can block it from coming in!

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