Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fundamentals of Energy

I will be using the term "energy" quite a lot on this website. So I would like to explain why I believe awareness about this is so important.

I realize that some of you reading this website are fairly conservative Christians that when thinking of someone who is aware of the energy surrounding them, laugh at how totally weird or New Age they seem! Or maybe you believe "this energy stuff" is too mystical, drawing its basis from the dark side. Thus you are left a bit frightened and want nothing to do with it.

I understand both of these mindsets because I espoused them at one time. Let me first just say that there are certain principles about the universe that although they can be used by the dark side, does not mean they themselves are bad. If you look, you will see truth everywhere--in Christians, in non-Christians, in Christianity, in non-Christianity. (I pick a Christian basis since I and most of you are Christians.) For the Creator's imprint is all over his creation. Now, regarding those of you who are just simply weirded out by "this energy stuff", I would say, give "this energy stuff" some consideration. :)


 Everything is made of energy. There is energy swirling around us all the time. It is being given off by people or animals and being taken in as well. Each thought makes a vibration that is sent out to others. Ever walk into the presence of a very proud, sarcastic and critical person? Without even talking to them, it's like you can feel their negative energy. If you don't know how to stop this negative energy from inhabiting you, then you will take it on as your own energy. This is why it is important to choose good friends. And when we can't avoid this negativity, such as with certain people we work with, then we find a way to internally block that energy. This is part of what I would like this website to focus on.

Why does this matter?

This matters because other people can end up binding us. In essence, we can allow others to take away our freedom. And then we open the door for lies to rush in swiftly and surely. None of us, attempting to create some freedom and peace for ourselves, wants to control the people around us so tightly that they can no longer be with us. None of us wants to be held captive by our circumstances either.

So I would like to propose a way that we can all rise above harmful energy. In the following articles I will give some basic steps to block negative energy from others (including meditation techniques) and to stop negative circumstances from controlling our outlook. For now, I will just leave you with this thought:

We can all learn from negativity. "Learning from it means understanding how destructive negativity is. Overcoming it doesn't just mean avoiding it as best we can. Overcoming it means confronting it, refusing to tolerate it or promote it, and doing active spiritual battle against it...." (Browne, 40)

Browne, Sylvia. Blessings From the Other Side. New York: New American Library 2002. Print.


Jenn S. said...

I enjoyed today's thoughts on energy. This is so true! Just sit and think about the feelings you have had today and the people or situations you were around when those feelings were coming about and the effect they had on you without your realizing at the time. It's important to make a conscious effort to choose which energies/attitudes/feelings you take in as your own ! Thanks Jess!

~ Jenn S.

Jessica said...

Hey Jenn, yes I agree with you, making that deliberate effort is so important. And the first step is being aware of what is coming in! I would love to hear how you personally choose which energies you take in...

Jenn S. said...

I think it is all about becoming more aware of the positive and negative energy/attitudes around you. And not letting yourself get too worn out/tired/exhausted in all other areas ... it all works together! And when all else fails .. and you feel yourself unable to resist soaking in the negative attitudes .. remove yourself from the situation for a time or call in reinforcements ! :)