Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Our Brain Determines Who We Are, What We Struggle With

In this 6 minute video clip, Dr. Amen first gives an example of a married couple who have been seeking marriage counseling for three years, to no avail. Dr. Amen scans their brains and finds that the cause of their problems has much of its roots in the damage done to the husband's brain by the chemicals he's exposed to at his work. In the rest of the video, Dr. Amen takes a step back and looks at how our brains determine our personalities, the struggles we deal with, the strengths we have and so forth. Dr. Amen is a physician, psychologist, medical director of Amen Clinics, Inc. and "a pioneer in brain imaging research and is the author of over thirty professional papers and twenty-two books, including the New York Times bestseller Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, as well as Healing ADD, Healing Anxiety and Depression...and the latest book, Sex on the Brain." (1)

I highly recommend his writings. He is gifted at making complex information extremely easy to understand. Yet more than that, his writings (particularly through his book, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life) have had a major influence in helping me overcome many of my issues and also in helping me have more compassion for myself by realizing that not everything is a spiritual issue. I have also used much of the information I've learned from him, to counsel the mothers of students I tutor who are struggling in school. Dr. Amen is particularly focused on healing ADD/ADHD. The great thing about Dr, Amen, is that he gives information on how to treat things naturally, which he always recommends to do first. Then he proceeds to give information on the correct medications to use should the natural route fail. Out of all the books I've ever read, I believe that Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, is a resource that should be in every person's home library. Yes it's that good!

1. Henslin, Earl. This is Your Brain on Joy

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